The ABC’s of Learning

Antecedent (the trigger) - Behavior - Consequence.

This is the simple pattern of how we learn or unlearn any behavior we've ever utilized in our lives. Remember learning works the same for us all species. Something in the environment (internal, like hunger/thirst/lust or external like the weather or an object) triggers the horse’s drive to act. The horse chooses a behavior they feel is appropriate in the situation, either from past learning or instincts. Then 1 of 4 consequences happens, the 4 learning quadrants. If the consequence is beneficial for the learner, promotes their ability to survive and thrive, they will choose this behavior more in similar situations in the future. If the consequence is harmful to them, reduces their ability to survive and thrive, the horse will be less likely to choose this behavior again in the future.

This simple pattern is the foundation of how all behaviors in life are learned and unlearned.


Learning Quadrants


Appetitive and Aversive