Let us do your homework!

We’ll do the research and create your feeding plans!

$50 per horse

$150 for a whole farm plan
*Includes add-ons for health needs

Whether they’re a draft, a mini horse, pony, mule, or a donkey, whether they need to lose weight, gain weight, or have health complications, we can find the right balance for them and your budget!
Let us know all about your equine, your current feed, and what you’re looking to improve. We can help with one equine or your whole herd, each additional horse lowers the price. We are not affiliated with any brand or feed company; we will help you find the right diet based on you and your animal’s needs.
You’ll receive:

  • A custom diet plan to meet every part of your equine’s nutritional needs

  • Alternative options to help with budget or easier shopping

  • Forage options and the best ways to serve their lifestyle

  • Vitamin/Mineral balancing to best fit your hay and water

  • Additional supplements and herbs to support your equine’s best health

  • We can organize a base plan for your farm to get your whole herd on the same foundation, with add-ons for specific extra needs

Nutrition Consultation - Diet Plan
from $50.00
  • A custom diet plan to meet every part of your equine’s nutritional needs

  • Alternative options to help with budget or easier shopping

  • Forage options and the best ways to serve their lifestyle

  • Vitamin/Mineral balancing to best fit your hay and water

  • Additional supplements and herbs to support your equine’s best health

    Whole Herd Planning

  • A Foundational diet plan that will meet the minimum requirements of your entire herd

  • Adjustments for weight gain/loss

  • Plans for common health needs

  • Cohesive shopping list to minimize your costs + stores

  • Ensuring you’re not wasting money on redundant or unnecessary supplements

Equines and their humans we’ve helped: