Protected Contact

Protected Contact is an under-utilized and under valued tool in the horse world. Many times people's ego, the desire to be close to the horse, or that added sense of control we feel by being in with them, makes us hesitate to use this gift. But this tool is not just for us, its just as important for the horse.

Working in protected contact with our horses provides us both a sense of safety, which is empowering to us both. It gives the horse the freedom to try anything, do anything, explore all options, express their emotions fully, there's not need to stifle or smother anything while they learn and problem solve. We never need to use even the smallest hint of punishment to keep ourselves safe, no corrections or focused strict manners for safety. The horse can learn freely without risk of "making a mistake" which requires us to do something for safety.

Using protected contact can put your training to the test! Can you guide your horse to your goal behaviors with only their brain and positive reinforcement? Protected contact can also allow us to do things that aren't always safe in full contact, like playing with fast and exuberant, fun behaviors. The use of this tool can open so many doors of fun, freedom, play, and can really enhance your training skills and your horses understanding of the training game and goal behaviors.


Incompatible Behaviors


For Overexcited Horses