7 ways to use a Target
Our horses can also learn to send away from us to a target, this can work well to help a horse get comfortable moving away from the handler. This can become sending around to a serious of targets for lunging, riding, driving, or sending over obstacles for agility.
Body targeting can also be a great way to shape various behaviors and develop body awareness. We can teach them to bring any part of their body to a target, nose, cheek, ears, forhead, neck, shoulder, knee, hoof, side, withers, hips, pasterns, tail... then we can shape all sorts of different behaviors.
If you enjoy playful games teaching your horse to pick up items and give them back to you can be fun and handy! Especially if you drop something on the trail
We can also use have the horse bring one target to another. This would be fun for things like basketball, putting their toys in a toy box, putting their laundry away, painting, and any other fun game you can come up with!