With R+ we shape the behavior with whatever shaping method we like, free shaping, using targets, capturing and so on, we can be hands on or on the other side of a fence, we don't even need to be near the horse to train them then as the horse approaches the goal behavior they are reinforced by something they like/want. We repeat until the behavior is how we like then we put it on any cue we like.
Until they don't want to...
Then we counter condition what's scaring them, build their confidence in what they find difficult, break down the skill into small achievable steps and ESCALATE THE APPETITIVE! Just like we escalated the aversive we can escalate the appetitive. The history of high value appetitives can work the same way the history of high value aversives worked with R-.
Its all the same, exact opposite. Training from opposite emotional directions, seeking/avoiding.