Respondent and Operant Behaviors
Respondent behaviors are involuntary, reflexive responses to stimuli in our environment. We are born with these for survival. They can only be modified through classical conditioning. This is the pairing of an unknown thing with a known stimulus, giving the unknown the same meaning as the known stimulus. So bell+food repeated, means bell=food respondent behaviors (salivating).
The list includes just some examples of respondent behaviors.
Operant behaviors are behaviors we learn to use to operate the world we live in. These are choices, determined by their consequences. What has worked in the past will be repeated, what has not worked, likely won't be. They are subject to operant conditioning, Antecedent triggers behavior, conesquence determines its future likliehood. The potential consequences are the 4 learning quadrants (R+, R-, P+, P-)
This list includes some generalized behavior examples that would be considered operant.