Inspire Change

We want to change the world, and we want the world to hurry up and change! But all behavior change takes time and progressive steps. It can be hard to wait and watch as people take their own steps at their own pace. But we have to avoid the temptation of punishing the change we want to see.

Share educational information as much as possible!!!! But don't use it as a weapon. Share it openly where it can be recieved by those ready to hear it. Keep sharing it so as more people open up to the idea, they can reach it then. There's no need to shove it down anyone's throat or "prove them wrong". Let them find it as they are ready, hold it there for them until they are.

Always keep your conversations focused on the topic at hand, not the person or their choices. Discuss the science as kindly, openly, and understanding as possible. Avoid anything personal about the human/horse.

None of us are perfect, no one does everything "right" all the time and "right" can look very different in every situation. So its vital not to let the goal of "perfect" to block the path of progress. Let people take their journey and make their steps. Perfection is a journey, not an end goal.

Reinforce the progress someone is making and don't punish it!!! We know this but its so hard not to do. "I told you so" or "if you just listened" or "you finally get it" or "ya, but what about"... we get carried away picking at flaws, we forget to recognize the major growth!!! But we need to appreciate the growth we get.

Make sure there is a right option, consider their individual situation and the people/animals involved. Try to offer a solution that works for them. Be mindful that every name on a computer is a human, with their own life, history, emotions, and set of situations they need to work around. Be kind and forgiving and encouraging.


Anything You Can Do…


The Question Is Really…