Fixed Action Patterns

Did you know that all species are coded with a set of Fixed Action Patterns?

These are complex behavioral patterns we are born knowing how and when to do, we haven't had to learn them in our life. We see this strongly in bird and fish species, with migratory patterns and songs. Even if a bird was raised in isolation, they know the song of their ancestors. Because its coded in their mind.

These behaviors are as complex as a song, as primal as a mating ritual, and as instinctive as the need to breath. Every species has select fixed action patterns that match their life necessities and culture. This includes how they keep themselves safe, fed, and reproducing. Some can vary within breeds of a species, a breed designed for cold climates will have different requirements from a breed designed in hot, etc... we see this especially with dog breeds as each has been selectively bred for specific characteristics.

Horses are no exception to Fixed Action Patterns. Many social, reproductive, and defensive behaviors are ingrained deep in their minds. We watch a foal rise to their feet, find a teat and nurse. No one needed to teach them to do this. We watch our horses groom the air in allo-grooming when we find that perfect itchy spot. Our horses have many pre-known behaviors to protect themselves in fight or flight.

These behavior patterns are so deeply a part of our being they are almost impossible to shake, to train away, to smother. Its important we know this about our species, breed, and individual as we approach training. These instinctive responses come from so far deeper beneath operant learning we need to understand them.

We can't change a fixed action pattern, but if there is one we dislike we can prevent it from being triggered. So if your horse is acting defensively, aggressively, or reproductively, in a way you dislike, you need to change the situation causing the behavior.


The FEAR System


Unwanted Behavior