There are a lot of misconceptions about what positive reinforcement really is with horses/equines. Is it the release? Is it using a clear marker signal? Is it showering them in treats and candy? Is it letting them get away with everything?

So let's answer the most simple question, "what is R+"?

Positive reinforcement meams you add something the learner likes, which encourages the behavior to happen more. The behavior is whatever they believe earned them the good thing. If pulling the lead and diving for grass got time grazing, pulling the lead was positively reinforced

Which is why the first step is so important "set your horse up for success" set the scene to make the desired goal as easy as possible for your horse to find and do. Reduce the wrong options as much as you can with good environment set up and meeting their needs.

Then clearly mark the behavior you like when they do it. Using a "bridge signal" marks the behavior and "bridges" the time between the behavior and the reinforcer. For example if you lift their hoof, then put it down to feed, you are reinforcing putting their hoof down. But if you lift their hoof, BRIDGE, then lower the hoof to feed they know it was the lifting that earned the food!

Finally reinforce with something you ADD the learner LIKES. This means that no, the release is not the reward, the release of an aversive is a negative reinforcer (effective but not R+). You need to add something the learner really values to encourage that behavior to happen more. Scratches ca work in some cases, but food is reliable, consistent, safe, and effective. It's easy to carry and only takes a moment to feed. It's definitely the most convenient and effective option.


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